Simplex Darkness template fixed all browser errors

I fixed all errors meet when using other browsers . And now ,this template can works properly with all browsers : IE ,FireFox ,Opera,Chrome,Safari .
Thank for all your comments ,I finished this .

Here is download link for you .
Download here

If you lose track of what this template is and what it can do ,you can take a look at this post

Thanks all . Remember to visit here and comment for any error you meet .
Note : for people who meet trouble thumbnail is not shown : You must set your site feed to "Full" mode . Set the full mode by following some step bellow :
Login to blogger account , Go to setting ,go to Site feed tab ,in Allow Blog Feeds ,choose Full .
huy signature

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  1. thank you bro..

    Let me download it first. But, before take into action (applied to my blog), I have a question first.

    How do we want to add widget to sidebar? I really need it to place some google ads and some other widgets for my blog.

    Thanks before.

  2. Ok brother, thank you so much brother.

    all the best!

  3. once again thanks bro nhamngahanh,

    It works, I can add widget to the sidebar of my blog now.

    Can't wait to see your new template in the future.

    I subscribe to your post now, so I'll never miss any of your posts on this simplexdesig blog.



  4. hi, i don't want to show the date in the front page. eg:

    Nov,03,2009 (beside the view post) . please help.


  5. @ Ina : your request is solved here :

  6. hi Bro,I search this kind of template .i got it now.Thanks for Your template
    1)I have a problem in displaying thumbnail image only at homepage ,It's correctly displayed when i click the label ie:not in homepage.

    2)I thought You write the code to display the summary in Recentpost fix to change the no of posts

    3)One of the My Label Browsers tab not displayed correctly in homepage.

    4)I want to display the The ads in top right side of the header
    pls visit my blog and fix the error.

    I'm waiting for your reply

  7. @Tyco Blogger : If you didn't change anything in the code of slider section ,everything is every easy . You just add one more label for your post "Feature" ,and the post with label "Feature" will be showed in auto slider section . If you changed the code in slide section ,you could send me your template at . I will try to fix it for you .
    Hope this helpful to you

  8. actually, i did change the "feature" with other name. Was that effect the slide? And what label number for the "feature"?

  9. And i e-mailed you my template...thanks in advance...

  10. @Tyco Blogger : I still see no mail from you in my mailbox . I think it take time to receive your mail .
    As I said in comments above ,slider section is controlled by label8 variable . Value of label8 is the category you want to show posts in . There are two place of label8 in template and I suggest you use a word editor such as Notepad++ to find where label8 is . You must change the value of label8 in both of two place to make the slider work properly .
    You can look at comments in this page for more :
    I still wait for your mail . I will try my best to give you the answer .

  11. Still no email? :D
    About the label8, actually i did change the both place. First, i changed "Feature" with "Templates". Then I changed it back to "Feature" and i made a new label for my posts, "Feature". Still, didn't work.. How come? FYI, i didn't do anything in the code of slider section. Once again, tq and sorry for "disturbing" you... :D

    p/s : can i put your link into my "Link Exchanges"?
