Simplex Newspaper - Template for online newspaper or magazine

I believe that blogspot can do everything that wordpress can . Yes ,of course ,it need time to make the function available such as readmore ,recent post ,recent comment ,show posts in their categories . But anyway ,nothing is impossible .

Here is my latest blogspot template . The layout from WPNewspaper template ,designed by gabfirethemes .Base on this web layout ,I added code for make it available in Blogspot .

It's a completely magazine template . Like no others blogspot template in magazine style only arrange their post in column like newspaper ,in this template ,Posts is showed as its wordpress template version .

Simplex Newspaper screenshot

Live Demo Download

Main Features:

* Automatic Thumbnails on posts
* Automatic Post Summarize
* Showed newest posts in each categories
* Ads block ready
* Change images and logo easily
* Youtube Video embedding Integrated
* Fully SEO Optimized
* Added a Photo gallery
* Thumbnails on Recent Posts in Sidebar
* Integrated Search box
* Beautiful top Navigation bar
* Cross-browser compatible
* and many more....

Install instruction

1,Download template and extract it .You get one xml file and one folder contain images .

2,Upload all images in folder to a photo hosting service such as photobucket .

3,Change all links : to your own blog address .Change link of each category in topbar,menubar,footer and change the subscribe address to yours.

4,if you want to change image or logo to yours ,just make your own logo or image and put the link in template file .

5,I noted the meaning of some variables in xml file ,so if you want to do more ,or tweak this template ,you can change these variables . Whatever change is up to your demand ,so I don't mention it here . You can read the xml file and modify it or contact me in comment form .

6,Open the blogspot dashboard . Come to Layout tab ,continue to Edit HTML ,and upload the xml file to blogspot .

How to use :

1. Breaking news section is a place where headline is posted . I make this for owner of magazine can updated news in minute . To post in Breaking news section ,just named label for your post "breakingnews"

2. Section in right-hand of breaking news for news . To show your post in this section ,just added label for your post "news"

3.To show image on gallery ,you added image in your post (one image is allowed ,do not insert more than one image in a post because gallery only show the first image in each post ) and named label for the post "gallery".

4.Subnews section is under gallery section ,it show the newest posts in each label . To change the label and post showed in each label ,open the xml file and find out code in this picture

label position

Change these to labels you need

It's my second template . I don't know how to write using and setup instruction to fit your needs . So if you have any trouble or error in using ,just comment here .

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  1. Hi Nhamngahanh, how are you doing!

    This is the most pro looking template POLITICAL theme i've seen in my two years working on template down from simple to complicate ones.

    Its so much good looking with more functions and graphic, seem like we have no limit in creative. I must give this your template a shot on my niche site. Also believe that we have much more thing to do with this beauty when put her into run.

    Will feedback soon, be well.

    P/S: Do you know where to learn martial arts supper skill like chopstick Kungfu?

  2. thanks Bruce Phan for positive comment
    I don't know where to learn martial arts and skills like chopstick kungfu ^^ ,but you can search in Google

  3. Hi, Just droping by to say this is an excellent blogger template. if i had not use Hybrid News blogger template for i would definitely use this. It was one of the first WP template that attracted me. Anyways i may use it later on. i'm trying out/test run here at

    Cheers to you. Hope u come up with better templates.


  4. Woooooooo ... Nice one !

    I'm waiting for the version 2.0

    Good Job !


  5. well, i need this template for rigth now..but i can see nothing in the cover..wazap!!

  6. @Marco : I wrote install instruction above and you can follow it to set up this template . There's a HTML/Javascript in template for showing homepage .And if you remove this widget in Page elements ,it will show nothing .

  7. i dont remove nothing in page elements ...why cant i have you !!!
    i dont stand your changes...please more details about this cool template...thanks, you re da man, you are the man!!!

  8. @Marco : I fixed errors and move this template to a fixed version .You can download it and give me the result .
