So in this post ,I will show you another way to create Accordion menu ,and I will try so hard to explain how it work . I hope you will find it helpful and you can create your own menus base on this.
Live Demo
First ,this is the HTML structure of menu :
<div id="first" class="menu_list"> <!--Code for menu starts here-->
<p class="menu_head">Header-1</p>
<div class="menu_body">
<a href="#">Link-1</a>
<a href="#">Link-2</a>
<a href="#">Link-3</a>
<p class="menu_head">Header-2</p>
<div class="menu_body">
<a href="#">Link-1</a>
<a href="#">Link-2</a>
<a href="#">Link-3</a>
<p class="menu_head">Header-3</p>
<div class="menu_body">
<a href="#">Link-1</a>
<a href="#">Link-2</a>
<a href="#">Link-3</a>
</div> <!--Code for menu ends here-->
The first div with id=”first” is the element that wrap menu .
<p> element with class “menu head” mean headers of menu ,or large items ,when we click mouse on these large item ,small items will drop down .
<div> with class “menu_body” is the element that wrap small items in the menu .
<a> elements are small items in menu .
That’s structure of menu .
Now we need to decorate it with a little of CSS
<style type="text/css">
body {
margin: 10px auto;
font: 75%/120% Verdana,Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;
.menu_list {
width: 150px;
.menu_head {
padding: 5px 10px;
cursor: pointer;
position: relative;
background: #eef4d3 url(�..left.png) center right no-repeat;
.menu_body {
.menu_body a{
.menu_body a:hover{
color: #000000;
In the CSS code above :
Body tag will define the font and style for all .
.menu_list define the size for element with class=”menu_list” is 150px width .
.menu_head set style for element with class”menu_head” (large items) in the menu
.menu_body a and menu_body a:hover set the style for <a> tags which are covered by element with classs”menu_body”
.menu_body { display:none } will hide element with id “menu_body” (the element wrap small items) . We hide it first and will show it when mouse click or mouse over the lare item of menu .
Now ,to make it work ,we need some Jquery code :
<script type="text/javascript" language="javascript" src="jquery.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
//slides the element with class "menu_body" when paragraph with class "menu_head" is clicked
$("#first p.menu_head").click(function()
The <script type="text/javascript" language="javascript" src="jquery.js"></script> will implement jquery framework into file . After that,we can use Jquery functions .
In the following script :
$(document).ready(function() : define a funtion that only work when page loaded fully .
$("#first p.menu_head").click(function() ; define a funtion that only work when a
element with class “menu_head” which is covered by element with id “first” is clicked .
(or we can say ,this line define a function that only work when a large item in menu is clicked )
The following line :
$(this) here mean large item in menu which is clicked (p element with class “menu_head” and covered by element with id”first” ,as we mention above)
. css({backgroundImage:"url(down.png)"}) : set the background image of large item to “down.png” (or add the down arrow the large item of menu )
.next("div.menu_body") : this line will find the closest div element with class”menu_body” to large item in the menu ( or we can say find the closest element wrap small item in menu ) ,and select it .
.slideDown(500) will drop down small item in menu . This action will happen in 500 milli seconds
.siblings("div.menu_body") : find all other <div> element with class “menu_body” and select them .
.slideUp("slow") : slide up all other <div> element with class “menu_body” which are found in .siblings("div.menu_body") . The speed for sliding up is slow .
$(this).siblings().css({backgroundImage:"url(left.png)"}) : this line will find all other large item in menu (p element with class “menu_head” as we say above ) and set background for them “left.png” (arrow to left ) .
If you want to slide up and down the menu when mouse over instead of click ,just replace
$("#first p.menu_head").click(function()
$("#first p.menu_head").mouseover(function()
To add this menu to Blogger ,first of all , we need to add the CSS first ,after that ,add HTML structure and the last is Jquery .
That’s all for accordion menu ,I think it’s very simple when we know how it work . Thank to that ,we can make my owns .
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