In renewed version of templates ,I always make two file ,one template file with Blogger default comment system and the other with Disqus comment system . You might ask me what we should chose for our blog ? In this post ,I will write something about them and I hope it helpful to your decision .
Disqus is a modern comment system for website and blog .It enhance the commenting system on your blog and designed to make commenting more exciting and interesting. It's a realtime comment system and you can see your comment show up immediately . With Disqus ,you can reply to an existed comment and interact with comments by votes ,keep tracks on comments with email notification ,you can also link to media files in your comments ,embed video,audio ... in comment ,and you can use Gravatar . Disqus allow you to comment in mobile ,sharing comments in social networks,and build a good community with commnunity box and comment profile .And I have to say that it really easy to install and using ,I can import export comments,moderate them in Dashboard and prevent spam with their anti-spam technology . If you use Blogger and install Disqus comment system ,you blog look really professional .
But Disqus is not perfect ,it's an embeded comment system ,and work base on Ajax and javascript ,so it make your blog load slower or can not load if there's error in connection .Sometime ,Disqus script can conflict with other scripts ,therefore,they can't work . Another important thing I see that Disqus is not good for SEO . All comments in blog using Disqus can't be indexed by Google . Disqus said their system are SEO friendly ,but I do not think so .
Blogger default comment system is on other side . It's really a boring comment system . Look simple and straight,no interaction ,no sharing tool ,no connection to other networks and no threaded comment . But it load fast and good for SEO . SEO here mean I can make a search in Google and see comment in search result . And we can customize it,make it display as we want with a little CSS and code .Not so good but acceptable (as my templates ^^)
Here is list of good and bad for Blogger and Disqus that I see . I hope you can share your own experience with these comment systems and give advice to choose one for blog to others . Thanks in advance
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