Best way to Study the Value of a Link

link building
Link building is one of the most important things when do SEO for a website . Have you think about buying or trading links with other websites to improving rank in Search Engine ? In this guest post, Brianne will show you the way to study the value of a link and therefore have a good strategy in buying or trading links .

During the older days of internet , websites used to fill the content with a certain keyword to enhance and bolster their rankings in the search engines. The repetition of the word many times throughout the content ensured that the website got placed suitably and had a high ranking in the search engine searches. Such practices compromised with the quality of content.
Now the Google rankings depend on the on-page and off-page factors of SEO and back link form one of the most important off-page factor for SEO rankings. These links are evaluated in terms of the quality and quantity and are the backbone of search engine rankings.

Building and maintaining of links can be important in achieving the desired high rankings in the search results of the search engines. The links made should be of premium quality and should be applicable or the right areas as well. Different links can be of different types and therefore one must analyze the links carefully to achieve the specific results.

Type of link

Links can be of many types but only two are able to influence the rankings. These are the image and the text links. Text links are considered more powerful than image links and therefore they get more preference. Other kinds of links including the JavaScript links are not given any importance by the search engines as the spiders of the search engines cannot read or follow these links in a proper way.

Anchor text

The anchor text can be very crucial in deciding the value of a link. One should not concentrate on the name of the company or website but should include the expected keywords in the anchor text of the back link. This is so because the ranking of the web page depends on the words in the anchor texts of the links which point at the website. More valuable words get higher ranking in the search engine results.

The age of the link page

The age of the link page on the internet is also an important factor to be analyzed and should be studied while deciding the value of the link. Major search engines like Google trust those webpages that have been on the web for a long duration of time.

Incoming and outgoing links

A back link which links to other websites can offer good SEO value and the more direct links are more valuable. The links that are provided on web pages are more authoritative and can offer links of good value. If your site is linked to an authority website that is linked to other websites as well then it is good for the reputation and ranking of your website. The value of the link also depends on the number of outgoing links it has. If a link gets displayed on the page then it calls for more traffic. There are also 'no-follow' links which can be used to increase the traffic but they fail to achieve the values that are set by SEO.

If you are building a website for SEO then you should consider the factors that provide value to links. You can save time by using the SEO tools. Analyzing links can be very essential for those who are launching a new website.

About guest blogger

Brianne is a blogger by profession. She loves writing on technology and luxury. Beside this she is fond of gadgets. Recently an article on Ford Endeavour attracted her attention. These days she is busy in writing an article on Samsung Omnia W.

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