some cool widgets for your blogger

there're some widget for blogger I think very useful .It expand blogger functions ,and help you connect your readers . They are all free . Check it out :

AddThis : Sharethis or Addthis social bookmarking Sharethis social bookmarking buttonbuttons makes it easy for your visitors to share your content with others. It is a good way to increase your link popularity and publicity. Instead of inserting each social bookmark buttons in your blogspot template ,you just insert a code of addthis widget and your reader can share your post with more than 60 social bookmark networks . : This service help blogger track visitor in realtime . It display the number of visitor currently on your site and what pages they are reading .online visitor tracking widget

Web2PDF Online : I integrated this widget in my templates . This widget is so cool .It convert the content to pdf format in minutes ,and the reader can easily download the content Save Page as PDFto their computer or print it out without any troubles .

Cbox: Cbox or Chatbox is a chat widget . You can embed it in your website easily . It's another way to interact with your readers beside comment system

Google Translate: This widget lets your non-English speakingGoogle translate widget
visitors to quickly translate your webpage in their native
language with just a single click. I find out that this widget can increase the traffic of a site . I searched some word in my native language Vietnamese and I see some website ,but when I enter these site ,I realized that they are not sites in Vietnamese ,they are sites in English but installed google translate . Google translated these sites and listed in search result as Vietnamese sites . By this way ,you can attract more traffic from visitor who don't speak your site language .

How many widget did you add to your blogspot ? and do you have another interesting widgets ? tell me in comment form below .

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