Wazala is not a free service but you can try this service for 15 days trials before upgrade to another package or cancel .
Live Demo in my blog | Live Demo in Wazala homepage
Here is steps for making an online Store for your Blogger with Wazala
1,Go to Wazala website
2,Fill all your information into form .After finishing this step ,Wazala will send you a mail to verify your account . Go to your mail box ,open mail they sent to you and click the link in mail to verify . That's all . Now you have an account in Wazala .
3,Signin to your dashboard with Sign in link in the top right corner of Wazala website . The Dashboard or Store Manager page has 8 tabs ,5 tabs on the left side : Account ,Store,Products, Options,Get widget and 3 tabs on the right : Orders,Customers and Dashboards .
4,In 3 tabs on the right :
- Dashboard tab will give you an overview look on your shop ,with the value of sales in time ,number of orders
- Customers tab will give you information about people who buy your products .
- Orders tab will give you information on the orders that made via your online store and status of these orders .
5,In 5 tabs on the left :
- Account tab will show your personal information ,the package you are using and link to upgrade your subscribtion . You can also link your wazala account to Facebook ,Google and Yahoo for showing your shop information in these social networks .There's a link to Wazala fanpage ,and link to Wazala application in Facebook . It mean you can use Wazala to sell goods in Facebook as an Facebook apps (like Facebook market store apps)
- In the Store tab ,you can set information for your shop such as shop address ,email ,phone .You can also customize your shop with your own logo ,background and labels .
- To add products to your shop ,you will use Products tab . There's a grid of products in your shop . To add new product ,click on New ,and fill all information about your product : name ,status ,description ,price ,tax,shipping ,images ,and other options . There are some options such as Downloads ( if you want to sell downloadable goods ) Inventory tracking ,and Coupon only valid if you upgrade your account .
- You will set the payment methods ,taxes , shipping and others related in Options tab .
- And the last tab on the left Get widget will give you the code to add to your blog . You can see how your widget look before adding to your blog by entering your site address in preview on your website block and click to preview . If you finish ,you can copy the code given in Script Code textbox ,and go to Blogger Dashboard ,go to Design tab,then to Edit HTML and paste the script right before </head> .After that ,save template and you will see the shop showing in your blog .
That's all for Wazala shopping cart solution . In my opinion ,Wazala is a good solution for blogger who using platform like Blogger . You don't need to write codes ,worry about HTML .Just copy and paste the code . It's secure and fast with a well-organized dashboard ,very easy to use . I think if you are the people who want to set up an online store for many kind of goods or just want to sell something beside blogging , but have not enough time and money to choose a complex platform or hire coders ,buy templates ,hosting ,bandwidth ... ,this is solution for you . Wazala not only using in Blogger ,but also spreading your shop in Facebook (as a Facebook apps ,you can selling via Facebook ), and link to Google and Yahoo .
Trial time will expire in 15 days and you can cancel your subscribtion or upgrade to a higher package for your business . But believe me ,this is a good deal .
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