Simplex Enews template - renew version

The latest version of Simplex Enews -click here

If you take a look on my Simplex Enews live demo ,you will see this template has some new features .It included :
- Disqus comment systemt ,a recent comment tab from Disqus
- Widgets in the footer
- A page for embeded forum ( sidebar is hidden when you enter this page )
- Lightbox effect
- Reduce loading time
- Number of post in each category is different .
And in this post ,I want to show you template SimplexEnews which is renewed .

Live Demo | Download

1, For installing this template ,you can see my previous post on how to install Simplex Enews template .

2,To activate Disqus comment system ,open template in a word editor and search for these code :
<script type='text/javascript'>
var disqus_shortname = &#39;simplexenews&#39;; // required: replace example with your forum shortname

/* * * DON&#39;T EDIT BELOW THIS LINE * * */
(function () {
var s = document.createElement(&#39;script&#39;); s.async = true;
s.type = &#39;text/javascript&#39;;
s.src = &#39;http://&#39; + disqus_shortname + &#39;;;
(document.getElementsByTagName(&#39;HEAD&#39;)[0] || document.getElementsByTagName(&#39;BODY&#39;)[0]).appendChild(s);

replace the text 'simplexenews' marked in bold to your disqus short name .

find this code
<script type='text/javascript'>
var disqus_shortname = &#39;simplexenews&#39;; // required: replace example with your forum shortname

// The following are highly recommended additional parameters. Remove the slashes in front to use.
// var disqus_identifier = &#39;unique_dynamic_id_1234&#39;;
// var disqus_url = &#39;;;

/* * * DON&#39;T EDIT BELOW THIS LINE * * */
(function() {
var dsq = document.createElement(&#39;script&#39;); dsq.type = &#39;text/javascript&#39;; dsq.async = true;
dsq.src = &#39;http://&#39; + disqus_shortname + &#39;;;
(document.getElementsByTagName(&#39;head&#39;)[0] || document.getElementsByTagName(&#39;body&#39;)[0]).appendChild(dsq);

replace simplexenews marked in bold to your disqus shortname .

find this
<div class='dsq-widget' id='recentcomments'>&lt;script type=&quot;text/javascript&quot; src=&quot;;hide_avatars=0&amp;avatar_size=32&amp;excerpt_length=200&quot;&gt;&lt;/script&gt;</div>

and replace simplexenews to your disqus shortname  .

There are three code blocks in total .

3,After uploading template to blogger ,you can add widgets to the footer as you want .

4,If you want to add a forum to your blogger blog ,you can see my post on Vanilla forum to create one . To hide sidebar and other widget when enter the forum like my live demo ,you can search the whole template file for link ' ' and replace it with link to the page which embeded Vanilla forum .

5,To use lightbox , when you insert an image in post editor ,click on edit HTML edit it with following structure
<a href="link to original image" rel="lightbox"><img src="link to thumbnail/resized image" /></a>

6,To set the number of post showed in each category in the homepage ,you can modify the value of these variables as you want :
numposts  = 6;
numposts1 = 3;
numposts2 = 6;
numposts3 = 4;
numposts5 = 5;
numposts6 = 10; 

That's all for re-new version ,I also optimized the code for reducing loading time .
I hope you like these features .

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