Most of the new bloggers step into blogging only because of Google Adsense . They think that they can make some money from their blog with Google adsense. But when they don’t get approved by adsense they are left with only one choice to quit blogging.
In this post ,I will show you the method to get approved by Google Adsense.
First of all , I assume you know what Google Adsense is the importance of Google Adsense to blogger's life .Here's a small summary if you never heard about Adsense .
What is Google Adsense?
Google.com earns most of revenue by allowing other website owners to advertise on their search result pages. This is managed through a program called Google AdWords.
Now you can earn a share of the revenue that Google earns from AdWords by displaying ads on your site. In other words, you're helping Google advertise and they pay you a percentage of what they earn.
This revenue sharing program is called Google AdSense.
It is the highest paying PPC (pay per click) program.
Who can join adsense?
Adsense is FREE to Join if your website passes its CRITERIAS
There are many criterias
1.Your website should be 6 months old
2.It should have be a Top level Domain
Click HERE for the list of criterias
How much time would it take to get adsense approved by using this method?
1. 15 To 30 days or maximum 2 months
2. Implementation of 14 Steps.
You have to implement 14 points below in order to make your blog/website ready for Google Adsense and get approved quickly :
1. Start a Blog on blogger.com Or use ur existing blog.
2. Put a cool and soothing template ..not too flashy and but too simple. It should look professional.
3. Buy a Custom domain (top level domain i.e (.COM) to publish your blogger blog on it. It should have a Name which relates to your blog . It will cost you some money but worth to do . (Google doesn't accept domains with .blogspot.com nowaday)
Tip: search on google for "How to use custom domain on blogger"
4.Write 20-30 good articles about your niche . If you can't , go to any article directory ( like Ezine etc ...) ,get articles and rewrite them in a very different way .
Tip: The more Orignal content , the better are the chances but don't rush and put a lot of articles.
5. An about me/Us page and a privacy policy page is a must-have and link to these pages should be seen on your homepage.
6. Put a neat and clean EMAIL subscription Box and a Blog archive widget.
7. Submit your website to Google , Bing , Yahoo and other search engines.
8. Bookmark your website in google and submit to Digg .
Tip : - never submit more than 15 links to Digg at a time if you don't want to get a ban !
- follow and get followers before submitting to Digg.
9. Make a Facebook fan page ,a Twitter account and a youtube channel in your blog or your website name. If not ,try your name .
Tip: Put a link – “FOLLOW US On twitter" clickable image or a Facebook like box on your blog!
10. Get some Facebook fans and Twitter followers by inviting fellow bloggers , friends , family , relatives . Upload 5-10 videos on Youtube and get some views.
Tip: Add a link at the start of your video description and at Twitter / Facebook about us page.
There are 2 ways by which you can get views to your video.
1. White hat method – By uploading original video tutorials or funny or cool videos which are made by you.
2. Black hat method- This method includes re-uploading of latest videos which have less views till now and which are good enough to get a lot of views.
I don’t encourage black hat method so for more information please contact me .
11. Share every post of you on Facebook profile and to Twitter followers , ask them to visit your website often.
12.Make an account on flixya.com and upload 10 videos or more .The same which you uploaded on youtube.
Tip : put your website link in all the videos on bottom of original description.
After uploading 10 videos or more you can apply for Adsense via flixya.com by going to the monetize tab.
13.Get traffic to you blog ( get as much as u can after applying for adsense as they check your website traffic)
Traffic sources :
-.Search engines
-.facebook profile and fan page
-.Email marketing
14.( Most important )You should apply by flixya.com and by your website also ,on the same day.
Fill in all the details properly as it is difficult to change it after approval
15. If you apply the second time after getting banned or disapproved : make small changes in your ADDRESS and apply again..
e.g make co op ..co operative or make opp --> opposite or vice – versa.
What will happen after applying : The trick ?
As youtube and flixya.com are Google revenue sharing platforms , Google will check the both these .
So if your making an improvement at 3 places ,you will become a good publisher to invest in + you have a blog /webisite which is worthy of showing ads . Therefore it approves you.
This is not an illegal method ,I've just shared what helped me to get an adsense account.
Please note:
-Wait for 10-12 days before applying from flixya.com.
-While making an account on flixya.com or youtube use the email address by which your are gonna apply for adsense.
Now that you know all the things needed to make a powerfull blog.
Start now and rock it.
Thank you for your precious time.
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